Transcript Requests and Financial Aid


Transcript requests for the School for Continuing Education may be made via e-mail request to the Student Aid and Education Records Administrator. Requests should include the form below, completed and included as an attachment.

The School for Continuing Education offers a variety of Financial Aid to members of The Salvation Army seeking higher education. Information on the various scholarships, grants and loans may be found below:


Andrew Miller Scholarship and Lecture

The friends of Andrew S. Miller created this scholarship endowment in the name of the former Territorial Commander and National Commander. Commissioner Miller has served on the Board of Trustees of Asbury University for many years. His interest in Asbury goes back to his early years as a student. Later as a Divisional Youth Secretary stationed in Cincinnati, Ohio, he started what would become The Salvation Army Student Fellowship. Over the years Commissioner Miller has had an abiding interest in the Salvationist youth at Asbury. It is only fitting that this endowment be set up in his honor.

Recognizing the significant contribution to Salvation Army ministry made by the more than 500 Asbury Salvationists, with almost half this number being commissioned officers, the Miller Scholarship is intended to provide a leadership-training program and financial assistance for Salvationist youth of the Southern Territory to attend Asbury University.

Instituted in 1998 by the vision of Territorial Commander Commissioner John Busby, this scholarship recognizes the contributions of Willouise Luce and Charles I. Babcock who co-chaired the scholarship fundraising campaign.


Miller Scholarship

  • Grants Awarded: Up to $5,000 per year
  • Contact Person: Asbury University Financial Office or the Student Aid Office at The School for Continuing Education
  • Eligibility:

1) Applicants must be soldiers in good standing from the USA South who are accepted as students at Asbury University and who are to commit their lives to providing leadership in The Salvation Army as local officers or applying to enter the College for Officer Training

2) Lectureship requirements are attendance at each lectureship and submission of a report to the Salvation Army School of Continuing Education. The lectureship requirement will serve the Salvationist family at Asbury University in the development of spiritual character, service, competency and mission commitment.

(a) Date, title and thrust of lecture

(b) Name and credits/position of lecturer

(c) Include how the lecture added to the student’s knowledge of Army mission and furthered their leadership development for local officership and/or officership

(d) A minimum of 150 words

(e) Due within three weeks after lecture

3) Must regularly attend a local Corps within proximity to Asbury University and remain a soldier in good standing.

4) Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA.

5) Application must be made each semester or full year.

  • Process:

1) The student receives the application from Asbury University, completes the required information, and returns it to the Asbury University Financial Aid Office.

2) The School for Continuing Education receives the application from Asbury

3) The Assistant Principal for the School for Continuing Education presents the application to Education Council for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.

4) The Assistant Principal will contact the applicant with appropriate follow up based on board action.

In subsequent years, approval for scholarship applications will be considered upon receipt of the student’s corps attendance record and the lectureship report.

Here is the link to the Andrew Miller Fillable Scholarship Application.

Corps Cadet Scholarship

  • Grants Awarded: $1,000 per year
  • Contact Person: Corps Officer
  • Eligibility:

1) Five-year Graduated Corps Cadet within the Southern Territory. (This will be confirmed by THQ Youth Dept.)

2) The latest transcripts must accompany all applications.

3) Must maintain a 2.0 Cumulative GPA including high school grades.

4) Grant recipients must carry at least 12 credit hours per semester. Limited to a maximum of four years of full time study at a regional accredited institution.

5) All grants are on an annual basis; however it is our intention to continue such grants until your undergraduate work is complete, provided of course that you have met the above requirements and are under age 29.

Scholarships are on a current basis; no retroactive payments will be made to individuals. Deadline for filing is September 1st.

Here is the link to the Corps Cadet Fillable Scholarship Application.

Ernest Frank Trust Scholarship

Grants Awarded: Up to $3,000 per year

Contact Person: Corps Officer


1) Acceptance at an accredited academic or vocational college.

2) The latest transcripts must accompany all applications.

3) Must maintain a 2.0 CGPA including High School grades.

4) Grant recipients must carry at least 12 credit hours per semester. Limited to a maximum of four years of full time study at a regional accredited institution.

5) All grants are on an annual basis; however, it is our intention to continue such grants until your undergraduate work is complete, provided of course that you have met the above requirements and are under age 29.

6) Scholarships are based on a current basis; no retroactive payments will be made to individuals.

7) Written confirmation from Corps Officer endorsing financial need.

Deadline to submit applications: January 1 – March 31 prior to academic year.

Note: This scholarship is limited. Not all applicants may be accepted. Eligible applications are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. No retroactive payments. The Education Council chooses recipients based on financial need, academic performance, and priority is given to upper classmen (junior/senior in college/university).

Here is the link to the Ernest Frank Trust Fillable Scholarship Application.

HANDS Scholarship

HANDS, which stands for Helping A Needy and Deserving Student, was established in May 1996.

Grants Awarded: Up to $1,100 per semester

Contact Person: Corps Officer


1) Carry a course load to allow graduation within four years.

2) Maintain a “C” average (2.0 CGPA) or better.

3) Forward a transcript immediately upon the completion of each quarter or semester.

4) Prompt reply to any request for information.

5) Notify HANDS administrators before transferring to another college.

HANDS scholarships are limited to one per family.

Application should only be made once; recipients will be granted future funding based on maintaining eligibility requirements.

Note: This scholarship is limited; applicants may be put on a waiting list.

Here is the link to the HANDS Fillable Scholarship Application.

Other Scholarships

Officer Child Educational Scholarship/Grant

The scholarship grant applies to the children of active and retired officers. Children of officers serving in non-USA appointments will be allowed this consideration covering periods when the child attends school either in the United States or in an approved American school abroad; funding will be determined by the home territory. The purpose of this plan is to render financial assistance to officers’ children who desire to pursue higher or specialized education as defined below, and/or who desire to enter the College/School for Officer Training.

Here is the link to the Officer Child Fillable Scholarship Application.


Divisional Scholarships


Hattiesburg Anderson Boys and Girls Club Scholarship Fund

Grants Awarded: Up to $1,000 per semester

Contact Person: Hattiesburg Corps Officer


  • Club Membership of three years or more.
  • A cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above (high school level).
  • Student must complete 300+ hours of community service volunteered to the club.
  • Acceptance at an accredited institution of higher learning.


Mary Jane Lloyd Scholarship Fund

Contact Person: Clearwater Corps Officer


  • Students must be active soldiers of the Clearwater Corps.
  • The latest transcripts must accompany all applications.
  • Clearwater Corps Council Scholarship Committee must make recommendation. (In certain circumstances grants may be allotted to those who enroll in specialized courses for future gainful employment.)
  • Grant recipients must carry at least 12 semester hours of credit.
  • Limited to a maximum of four years of full time study at accredited institution.

Florida Southern College

Contact Person: Florida Southern College Financial Aid Office


  • Available for all Salvationists who reside in Florida.
  • Information available for children of officers who are Florida residents.

Henry B. Peacock Endowment Fund

Contact Person: Miami Area Commander


  • Limited to students of Miami or Dade County Florida, with a home address in Miami or who attend a college in Dade County.
  • Educational fund covers trade and technical schools, as well as traditional academic courses for full time students.
  • The student needs to carry at least 12 hours and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA.


D. L. Anderson Scholarship Fund

Contact Person: Atlanta Boys Club Director


1) Income only to be used for tuition by Atlanta Boys & Girls Club members.


Carol Montoya Scholarship Fund of the Vidalia/Toombs County Service Center

Grants Awarded: Up to $500 paid to the college

Contact Person: Vidalia/Toombs County Service Center Director


  • The recipient must be a graduating senior at Montgomery County High School, Robert Toombs Christian Academy, Toombs County High School or Vidalia High School.
  • The recipient must be ineligible for either the Hope Grant or the Pell Grant.
  • The recipient must be of good moral character.
  • Application forms must be returned to the school guidance office no later than April 1st of the applicant’s graduating year.



Laurel County, Kentucky, Scholarship

Grants Awarded: Scholarship for individuals born in Laurel County, Kentucky, who are seeking post-secondary education. Award amount will vary from $500.00 to $5,000 based upon applicants and available funding.

Contact Person: Middlesboro, Kentucky, Corps Officer


  • Must be born in Laural County, Kentucky.
  • Must be accepted into a post-secondary education program within the Commonwealth of Kentucky.


Louisville Boys & Girls Club Scholarships

All scholarship applicants must complete Youth of the Year application. Applications are released in late December each year. Deadline for submission to Louisville Area Command is early February.

Grants Awarded: A one time scholarship for “Youth of the Year” $500 to $1000.00. One winner will be selected from the four clubs.

Contact Person: Louisville Boys & Girls Club Executive Director


  • Deserving Boys & Girls Club members from Louisville area who have been members for one to two years may apply.
  • Youth will demonstrate positive initiative that impacts their school, community, nation or the world, tackle difficult problems and possess the ability to bring people together.
  • Will meet the Youth of the Year Criteria and complete application package. Youth of the Year applications released through BGCA in December each year. Local competitions in February.


Grants Awarded: Thornton’s scholarships are based on annual fundraising event of Golf Scramble. Average scholarship $1,500.00. Three to four youth receive annually. (Youth of the Year applicants not selected as Regional finalist will receive these resources.)

Contact Person: Louisville Boys & Girls Club Executive Director


  • Deserving Boys & Girls Club members from Louisville area who have been members for one to two years may apply.
  • They should demonstrate positive initiative that impacts their school, community, nation, or the world, tackle difficult problems and possess the ability to bring people together. Must meet the Youth of the Year criteria and complete application package. Youth of the Year applications released through BGCA in December each year. Competitions early February.


Grants Awarded: Louis Benn and Florence G. Benn Family scholarships are allocated from the Community Foundation. Scholarship total $2,832. One to two youth receive annually.

Contact Person: Louisville Boys & Girls Club Executive Director


  • Youth should demonstrate positive initiative that impacts their school, community, nation or the world, tackle difficult problems and possess the ability to bring people together.
  • Must meet the Youth of the Year criteria and complete application package. Youth of the Year applications released through BGCA in December each year. Competitions early February.

Grants Awarded: Youth of the Year winners locally will qualify for state, regional and national Youth of the Year process. Local candidate will go on to meet state’s governor, qualify to win a state scholarship of $1,000.00, qualify to win a regional scholarship of $10,000.00, possibly meet the President of the United States and win an additional $15,000.00 scholarship award.

Reader’s Digest Foundation sponsors the Youth of the Year program.


A. L. Williams Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Grants Awarded:Up to $500.00

Contact Person:General Secretary at Baltimore DHQ


  • Based on evidence of need, this scholarship is offered to deserving members of the Boys & Girls Club of Baltimore.


Paul W. Morris Scholarship

Grants Awarded: Up to $2,000 per year

Contact Person: Salisbury, MD Corps Officer


  • Must be a graduate of a high school located in Wicomico County, MD, and be accepted for enrollment in a college, university, or post-high school institution in preparation for a career assisting young persons.


J. Kelly & Nell Cain Trust

Grants Awarded:Up to $2,000 per year

Contact Person:Corpus Christi Corps Officer


  • For needy and deserving students from Nueces County, Texas, for post-secondary education (either academic or technical/vocational)
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5
  • Full time student (at least 12 semester hours) with full time enrollment.


Murray J. Jordan Endowment

Grants Awarded: Up to $1,000 per year

Contact Person: General Secretary at Dallas DHQ


  • Interest only for needy students in order of priority:
  • Officer’s dependent child in college;
  • Officer’s dependent child at CFOT and Other Salvationists.
  • No geographical restriction.


W.F. & Bessie A. Dye Endowment

Grants Awarded: Up to $1,000 per year

Contact Person: General Secretary at Dallas DHQ


  • This endowment provides “scholarship funds for worthy students” from Dallas, Texas, as designated by the Board of Trustees


Willine P. Bradbury Endowment

Contact Person: San Antonio Area Commander


  • Earnings to be used for religious, charitable and educational purposes in the San Antonio area.


Freeman Educational Trust

Grants Awarded: Up to $1,000 per year

Contact Person: San Antonio Area Commander


  • The student must submit a transcript of grades for review and evaluation by the Advisory Board each semester for continued support.
  • For religious, charitable and educational purposes
  • Only Texas colleges or universities


Matthew Israel Memorial Scholarship

Grant Awarded: Up to $2,000 at a 4-year college or up to $800 for the CFOT

Contact Person: Texarkana Corps Officer


  • Available to senior soldiers in good standing of the Texarkana Corps.
  • Cadets take priority.


Herman A. & Julia Blanchard Fischer Scholarship


Contact Person: Wheaton College Financial Aid Office


• Students must identify themselves as children of Salvation Army officers and/or as Salvation Army soldiers on all correspondence with the college.

• Student must complete FAFSA and Wheaton College’s financial aid form to show need and indicate on the form that they are Salvationists and/or children of Salvation Army officers.

• Students must apply in a timely manner to be considered for this scholarship.

• Soldiers must have a major in astronomy, physics, or math to qualify for the scholarship.


Salvationist Scholarship at TREVECCA NAZARENE UNIVERSITY

Contact Person: Trevecca Financial Aid Office

Grants awarded: up to $5,000 annually for any Salvationist and $6,000 annually for any officer child


• Student must be a Salvationist.

• Student must be enrolled full-time at Trevecca.