Frequently Asked Questions


Circulation policies

Electronic Resources

Finding Books


Interlibrary Loan


Library Account




Who can use Hicks Memorial Library Library?

EBC cadets, staff, and employees have access to all library services (full borrowing privileges, interlibrary loan).

Who may get a library card?

Cadets’ ID card is their library card.
EBC Staff and employees may get a card from the library.

How can I access library resources?

Go to the library catalog at
Catalog may be searched by title, author, keyword.

When accessing databases at Trevecca Nazarene University (electronic resources) you will be prompted for Name and Library Barcode. For those with a TNU ID, Library barcode is an 11-digit number comprised of your TNU ID followed by the 2 digits on the left-hand side of the ID card.

Circulation policies
How long can I check out library materials?

General collection materials may be checked out by cadets for 2 weeks.
DVDs, VHS tapes, and CDs may be checked out for 1 week.

Will I receive overdue notices?

Patrons will receive email notification of overdue materials.

How much money will I owe if my library materials are late?

Overdue fines are $.10 per day per book for main collection books.

Audio-visual materials (DVDs, CDs, and VHS tapes) incur a charge of $.50 per day.

Can I renew my library materials without bringing them to the library?

Library materials can generally be renewed. Go to library website ( and select Login, logging in with your user name and password. You can select to renew your materials.

Are there computers I can use in the library?

There are 2 public computers, 2 docking stations, 3 printers, and a scanner for cadets to use.

Finding Books

How do I find a specific book in the library?

At the library website ( you may do a Basic Search by title, subject, keyword, or author.

Once I find a book listed in the catalog, where do I get it?

All general collection books are on the long rows of book shelves in the library. They are shelved by Dewey Decimal classification number.

Reference books are near the circulation desk – in house use only. The call numbers start with R.

Salvation Army materials are kept by the desktop computers. The call numbers start with SA.

What if I cannot find a book that says it is Available?

Please contact a library employee. They may double check first to see if the item was mis-shelved.

Can I place a hold on a book?

If a book is currently checked out, a hold may be placed by contacting the library staff.

Items showing Available in the catalog cannot have a hold placed upon them.

Where can I find your fiction books?

We have a leisure reading collection on the shelves near the elevator door. The call numbers start with FIC.

Other fiction books related to the curriculum are shelved in the literature section in the book stacks. They can be located by searching for particular author or title in the catalog.


Electronic Resources

How do I access the electronic resource databases?

On the library’s web page there is a link to Trevecca Nazarene University’s Electronic ResourcesThese electronic resources include the databases to which the library subscribes as well as links to helpful websites. These resources are listed by subject or you may search databases by name.

Some of the databases (ProQuest Central, Business Source Complete, and Academic OneFile) also have a direct link from the TNU Electronic Resources page.

When accessing databases at Trevecca Nazarene University (electronic resources) you will be prompted for Name and Library Barcode. For those with a TNU ID, Library barcode is an 11-digit number comprised of your TNU ID followed by the 2 digits on the left-hand side of the ID card.

I am searching for journal articles and am finding abstracts of articles but no full text. How can I get the full text?

When looking at a results list, or at an abstract of an article in our databases, you will see a WebBridge button. This will open up a window with possible full text options.

If the library carries this journal in another database, there will be a link to that database. You will need to make sure the dates covered by the database include the date of the article you need.


What are the regular library hours?

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday      8:00 AM – 8:00 PM

Wednesday and Friday            8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Saturday and Sunday closed

Are there different hours during the summer?

Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

How will I know if the hours have changed?

The library will send updates to the hours via a campus wide email and post signage in the library

Interlibrary Loan

What is interlibrary loan?

Interlibrary loan is a service offered by the library to cadets, employees, and staff whereby books or journal articles not available in the library may be obtained from other libraries.

What kinds of materials can I request?

Email one of the library staff members or stop by during open hours to request an item.

Audio/video materials may be requested but are harder to obtain as many libraries do not loan them.

How long does it take to get interlibrary loan materials?

Please allow 2 weeks for materials to arrive, although they may arrive sooner

How much does it cost?

There is no cost for interlibrary loan materials unless the lending library imposes a charge.

How long can I keep them?

Due dates for books and dissertations are set by the lending library – usually anywhere from 3-6 weeks. Article reprints may be kept by the requester.

Can I renew them?

To renew items obtained through interlibrary loan, contact the Library Assistant before the due date so she can ask the lending library for renewal.


Can I have something laminated and how much does it cost?

Materials can be laminated for FREE.
Drop off project by lunch, and it will be ready for pick up by 4:00.

Library Account

How can I tell what library materials I have checked out?

On our website (, go to the login button in the upper right hand corner, log in, and all of your account. All account activity is visible on this page. Books that are not overdue or on hold for someone else may be renewed online. Audio/video materials need to be brought in to re-check them out.


Where are the photocopiers?

The library has a photocopy outside the staff offices.

How much does it cost to copy something?

The copies are $.10 a page. your copier costs will be charged to your library account as a fine. You will receive a notice every 2 weeks with your charges.

You must bring your student ID. You will use your ID number for the copier.



There are 3 printers for use in the library. Bring your own paper to use in the printer.


We hope this information has been helpful. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact a real, live librarian. And remember —

There are no dumb questions in the library!